Goodnoe (Wash.)


Source note(s)

  • Taken From list of SP&S Stations and Spurs.

Hierarchical terms

Goodnoe (Wash.)

4 Archival description results for Goodnoe (Wash.)

4 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 6061, Goodnoe, Washington, 1936.

AFE 6061, Goodnoe, Washington, 1936. Replace Culvert No. 130-44, A Double 36" C.I.P. 42' Long withThree Lines of 60" Concrete Pipe 40 FeetLong, withConcrete Head Walls. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 6 Bridges, Trestles, Culverts Cost: $... »

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Goodnoe, Washington, 1913.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 734. Constructing road crossing on station grounds at Goodnoe, Washington. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number CE 812. ... »

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Goodnoe, Washington, undated.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 799. Constructimg a one pen stock yard at Goodnoe, Washington. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number CE 884. Correspondence File ... »