Goldendale (Wash.)



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Goldendale (Wash.)

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Goldendale (Wash.)

10 Archival description results for Goldendale (Wash.)

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Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Goldendale, Washington, 1908.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 2. 1023 foot spur Klickitat Pine Lumber Company at Goldendale, Washington. Correspondence File Number 375-1. Vancouver - Goldendale Branch. Other subject categories: Tracks Spur.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Goldendale, Washington, 1913.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 766. Construction of 160 rods of right of way at Goldendale, Washington. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number CE 820. Correspondence File Number G13. Vancouver - Goldendale Branch Division. Other subject categories: Right of Way.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Goldendale, Washington, 1914.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 910. Assessment for grading and macadamizing Columbia Street at Goldendale, Washington. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number RW 10. Correspondence File Number 375-X. Vancouver - Goldendale Branch Division. Other subject categories: Assessment Street.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Goldendale, Washington, 1915.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 1307. Remove engine track near engine house at Goldendale, Washington. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number CE 1409. Correspondence File Number 375-2. Vancouver - Goldendale Branch Division. Other subject categories: Tracks Engine Track.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Goldendale, Washington, 1916.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 1543. Build spur track 434.5 feet long for Standard Oil Company at Goldendale, Washington; 213.5 feet of track on SP&S right of way to be built under standard side track agreement and 221.0 feet of track on Standard Oil Company's property to be owned by them. Necessary to furnish facilities for Standard Oil Company plant to be located at this point. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number CE 1634. Correspondence File Number 375-1. Vancouver - Goldendale Branch Division. Other subject categories: Tracks Spur.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Goldendale, Washington, undated.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 1652. Build three hog troughs and a long gang plank for loading double deck sheep cars at the stock yards at Goldendale. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number CE 1733. Correspondence File Number 375. Vancouver, - Goldendale Branch Division. Other subject categories: Stockyard.