Showing 107 results

Subjects term Scope note Archival description count Authority record count
Personnel records (2)

Use for: Personnel records in industry

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, documents concerning railroad employees. These most frequently include either rosters of personnel belonging to a particular labor union, labor contracts, or documents concerning individual employees.
0 0
  • A serial publication with its own distinctive title, containing a mix of articles, editorials, reviews, columns, short stories, or other short works written by more than one contributor, issued in softcover more than once, generally at regular stated intervals of less than a year, without prior decision as to when the final issue will appear. Although each issue is complete in itself, its relationship to preceding issues is indicated by enumeration, usually issue number and volume number printed on the front cover.
0 0
Other Materials
  • A Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive subject. Railroad-related materials not otherwise classified in the collection arrangement schema.
0 0
Officer, agent and station Lists
  • A Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive subject. A list of railroad company officers, employees and locations, typically updated periodically.
0 0
Motion picture film

Use for: Film, Film, Cinematographic, Film, Motion picture, Films, Cinematographic, Motion pictures--Film, Moving-picture film, Cinematographic film

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, motion picture film in various film sizes on railroad-related topics.
4 0

Use for: Miscellaneous

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, still photographs of railroad rolling stock not falling into one of the enumerated categories.
83 0
Mechanical drawing

Use for: Part fabrication drawing, Industrial Drawing, Drafting, Mechanical, Plans

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, a mechanical drawing depicting the dimensions and form of a piece of railroad equipment, typically part of a larger assembly.
2262 0

Use for: Locomotive report

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, a periodic document providing information on the operational status of the railroad locomotives assigned to that portion (typically an operating division) of the railroad.
0 0
Locomotive Diagram
  • A Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive subject. A simplified engineering drawing of a locomotive giving dimensions, capacity, manufacturer and numbers assigned to all locomotives constructed to that design.
1 0
Library materials (2)
  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, books and periodicals. Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive holds a collection of books and periodicals related to railroad topics, with emphasis on railroad operations in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.
0 0
Results 71 to 80 of 107