Railroad bridges




Scope note(s)

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, a photograph of a bridge or trestle constructed by a railroad company, typically for the passage of railroad equipment

Source note(s)

Display note(s)

Hierarchical terms

Railroad bridges

Equivalent terms

Railroad bridges

  • UF Bridges
  • UF Railroads--Bridges

Associated terms

Railroad bridges

331 Archival description results for Railroad bridges

331 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Aerial photo of Tacoma, Washington, circa 1957.

Aerial view of Tacoma, Washington, circa 1957. Downtown aread, Thea Foss Waterway, with Union Pacific draw bridge closest, NP draw bridge, 11th Street bridge. J.M. Fredrickson collection. Other Subject Classes: aerial photo, city scene, bridge

Fredrickson, James M.

Bridge, Seattle Washington, 1924

Bridge, Seattle Washington, 1924. Old Spokane Street swing span bridge over the Duwamish River looking east on Route 1 , Alki-Downtown, May 16, 1924. Other subject categories: Streetcar


The James Fredrickson Collection Northern Pacific Railroad railroad bridges subseries is a compilation of photographs concerned with the Northern Pacific Railroad bridges.

Fredrickson, James M.


Railroad bridge and trestle photographs from the George Werkema Collection of Burlington Northern Railroad Company subjects in locations across the western United States.

Werkema, George


The Bridges portion of Northern Pacific Railroad photographs of the Walter W. Ainsworth Collection includes photographs of railroad bridges and trestles in the Pacific Northwest.


Photographs of bridges or trestles constructed by a railroad company, typically for the passage of railroad equipment.


Photographs of bridges or trestles constructed by a railroad company, typically for the passage of railroad equipment.


Photographs of bridges or trestles constructed by a railroad company, typically for the passage of railroad equipment.

Raney, Alden M.

Results 1 to 10 of 331