Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 38452, State Line, Iowa, 1928.
- US MnSpGNR E0045-003-002-439317
- Item
- 1928
Part of Great Northern Railway Authority for Expenditure Collection
AFE 38452, State Line, Iowa, 1928. Heavy Repairs and Renewals to Bridges and Culverts Between State Line and Sioux City, During Season 1929.
Bridge 146.9 - Pile - 210 Feet Long, 11 Ft High. Replace with Creosoted Timber Trestle 280 Feet Long
Bridge 216.3 - Pile - 55 Feet Long, 10 Feet High. Replace with Creosoted Timberr Trestle 52 Feet Long
Make General Repairs to Bridges 150, 152.1, 184.8, 188.6, and 205.3 on M. L. and Pass. Track
Replace 7 Vitrigfied Pipe Roadbead Culverts with Concrete Pipe.
Replace 2 Concrete Pipe Roadbed Culverts with Timber Sluice Boxes.
Place Heavy Rip Rap and Ends of 2 Roadbed Culverts.
Replace One Timber Crossing Culvert with Corrugated Iron Pipe.
Place One New Crossing Culvert and Abandon One Crossing Culvert. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 6, Bridges, Trestles, Culverts. Cost: $16280. Series II. Lines East. Sioux City Division.