Mason (N.D.)



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  • Taken From: "GN Locations" database compiled by Jim Chinquist, year 1950.

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Hierarchical terms

Mason (N.D.)

Mason (N.D.)

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Mason (N.D.)

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Mason (N.D.)

18 Archival description results for Mason (N.D.)

Only results directly related

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 2183, Mason, North Dakota, 1916.

AFE 2183, Mason, North Dakota, 1916. Furnish and Place Standard 12' X 34' Portable Depot and Extend Cinder Platform. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 16 Station and Office Buildings Cost: $574. Series II. Lines East. Breckenridge Division. Other Subject Categories: Depots, Combination

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 25229, Mason, North Dakota, 1924.

AFE 25229, Mason, North Dakota, 1924. for Bridge 29.6 Over Rush River. Replace Timber Trestle 196' Long, 25' High, with One 70' and Two 40' D.P.G. Steel Spans on Concrete Substructure Making New Bridge 151' Long by Filling Bridge Ends and Provide Trainman's Walk on S Side. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 6, Bridges, Trestles, Culverts. Cost: $23000. Series II. Lines East. Breckenridge Division. Other Subject Categories: Structures, Bridges

Results 1 to 10 of 18