Marley (N.D.)



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  • Taken From: "GN Locations" database compiled by Jim Chinquist, year 1950.

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Marley (N.D.)

Marley (N.D.)

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Marley (N.D.)

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Marley (N.D.)

8 Archival description results for Marley (N.D.)

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Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 24955, Marley, North Dakota, 1923.

AFE 24955, Marley, North Dakota, 1923. Bridge 163 Over Eight Mile Creek E of Marley, Replace Pile and Frame Trestle 97' Long and 24' High with One 56' D.P.G. and Two 19' I-Beam Steel Spans on Concrete Substructure Yielding 94' Long. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 6, Bridges, Trestles, Culverts. Cost: $13000. Series II. Lines West. Montana Division. Other Subject Categories: Structures, Bridges

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 4626, Marley, North Dakota, 1917.

AFE 4626, Marley, North Dakota, 1917. Construct A 508 FeetExtension to East End of Passing Track, Making Total Length 4500 Feet. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 12 Track Laying and Surfacing Cost: $1082. Series II. Lines West. Montana Division. Other Subject Categories: Track, Passing

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 69.0436, Marley, North Dakota, 1969.

AFE 69.0436, Marley, North Dakota, 1969. Relay 13.4 Miles of Main Track withContinuous Welded 115# Rail Replacing 112# Rail (Milepost 123.0 to Milepost 136.4) Between Williston and Marley, North Dakota. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 9, Rails. Series II. Lines East. Other Subject Categories: Track, Track Laying and Removal