Genoa (N.D.)



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  • Taken From: "GN Locations" database compiled by Jim Chinquist, year 1950.

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Genoa (N.D.)

Genoa (N.D.)

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Genoa (N.D.)

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Genoa (N.D.)

24 Archival description results for Genoa (N.D.)

24 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 1656, Genoa, North Dakota, 1916.

AFE 1656, Genoa, North Dakota, 1916. Place Standard Depot with Water Closet, 50' Extension to Cinder Platform, Remove Portable Depot. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 16, Station and Office Buildings. Cost: $579. Series II. Lines East. Other Subject Categories: Station Facilities

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 23553, Genoa, North Dakota, 1923.

AFE 23553, Genoa, North Dakota, 1923. Construct 2250 Lin. FeetStandard Right of Way Fence on North Side of Track From Sta. 709+60 to Sta. 731+10 and 1510 Lin. Feeton South Side of Track From Sta. 710+65 to Sta. 725, And835 Lin. Feetof Wing Fence, Also Place Two Gates and Two Cattle Guards Along Land of Ole L. Ness. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 13, Fences, Snowsheds and Signs. Cost: $540. Series II. Lines East. Other Subject Categories: Fences, Right of Way

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 23553, Genoa, North Dakota, 1923.

AFE 23553, Genoa, North Dakota, 1923. Construct 2250 Lin. FeetStandard Right of Way Fence on North Side of Track From Sta. 709+60 to Sta. 731+10 and 1510 Lin. Feeton South Side of Track From Sta. 710+65 to Sta. 725, and 835 Lin. Feetof Wing Fence. Also Place 2 Gates and 2 Cattle Guards Along Land of Ole L. Ness. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 13, Fences, Snowsheds and Signs. Cost: $540. Series II. Lines East. Other Subject Categories: Fences, Right of Way

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 31562, Genoa, North Dakota, 1926.

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 31562, Genoa, North Dakota, 1926. Remove and Load 24 X 44 Section House, 16 X 36 Bunk House, Two 8 X 12 Tool Houses, and Two 6 X 6 Privy. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 17 Roadway buildings Cost: $0. Series II. Lines East. Other Subject Categories: Roadway Buildings, Section Facilities

Results 1 to 10 of 24