AFE 11287, Minnesota, 1919. Relaying 144,315 Track Feet of 75# /96 Rail (New When Laid) withBew 90# Rail, Near Deer River, to The End of 85# Rail, at Schley, A Distance of 27.32 Miles. Replacing Malleable and Flat Top Steel Joint Plates. Placing 4 Rail Aanchors Per Panel of Track Throughout and 16 Per Panel Across Swamps; Placing Curve Number Boards and Center Line Pins on All Curves; Relaying All #9 Frogs and Turnouts with#11 Frogs and Turnoutsk Using 90# Material. Relaying All Rail Lighter Than 75# (Secondhand When Laid) with Secondhand 75#/96 Rail, and Replacing All #7 Frogs and Turnouts with#9 Frogs and Turnouts in Passing Tracks, Also Tie-Plating All Curves in Passing Tracks with Secondhand Tie Plates,. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 9 Rails Cost: $267777. Series II. Lines East. Mesabi Division. Other Subject Categories: Track, Track Laying and Removal