Cass Lake (Minn.)



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Cass Lake (Minn.)

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Cass Lake (Minn.)

370 Archival description results for Cass Lake (Minn.)

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Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 11270, Cass Lake, Minnesota, 1919.

AFE 11270, Cass Lake, Minnesota, 1919. Relaying 75#/96 Rail (New When Laid) with New 90# Rail, From End of 85# Rail East of Cass Lake to End of 90# Rail West of Cass Lake, Sta. 5565+16, A Distance of 1.44 Miles. Replacement of Malleable and Light Flat Top Steel Joint Plates. Placing 4 Grip Rail Anchors Per Panel of Track. Replacing All #9 Frogs and Turnouts, Using 90# Material. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 9 Rails Cost: $19684. Series II. Lines East. Mesabi Division. Other Subject Categories: Track, Track Laying and Removal

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