Cartwright (N.D.)



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Cartwright (N.D.)

Cartwright (N.D.)

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Cartwright (N.D.)

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Cartwright (N.D.)

9 Archival description results for Cartwright (N.D.)

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Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 37536, Cartwright, North Dakota, 1928.

AFE 37536, Cartwright, North Dakota, 1928. Furnish and Place 200 Cubic Uds of Riprap Around Two West Piers of Bridge #3.2 Over Yellowstone River, Cartwright, North Dakota. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 6, Bridges, Trestles, Culverts. Cost: $900. Series II. Lines West. Montana Division.

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 38492, Cartwright, North Dakota, 1928.

AFE 38492, Cartwright, North Dakota, 1928. Bridge No. 3.2 Over Yellowstone River, Near Cartwright, North Dakota, Steel, Concrete and Timber Bridge, 4028 Feet Long, 55 Feet High.
Renew Pile and Timber Pier No. 6 Under 48 Feetand 60 Ft D.P.G. Steel Spans. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 6, Bridges, Trestles, Culverts. Cost: $3000. Series II. Lines West. Montana Division.

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 7473, Cartwright, North Dakota, 1918.

AFE 7473, Cartwright, North Dakota, 1918. Furnish and Place Boxcar Body for Living Quarters for Agent. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 17, Roadway buildings. Cost: $173. Series II. Lines West. Montana Division. Other Subject Categories: Roadway Buildings, Other

Great Northern Railway Historical Society Blueprint Collection JSBP0789, Cartwright, North Dakota, 1941.

Great Northern Railway Historical Society Blueprint Collection JSBP0789, Cartwright, North Dakota, 1941. Great Northern Blueprint Number 4 OF 4, Highway Approach to Railway Br.. Details of Superstructure. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 6, Bridges, Trestles, and Culverts. Other ICC account descriptions: ICC Account Number 6, Bridge.

Great Northern Railway Historical Society Blueprint Collection JSBP0790, Cartwright, North Dakota, 1941.

Great Northern Railway Historical Society Blueprint Collection JSBP0790, Cartwright, North Dakota, 1941. Great Northern Blueprint Number 2 OF 4, Highway Approach to Railway Br.. Layout, Floor Plan and Bents No. 1 and 2. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 6, Bridges, Trestles, and Culverts. Other ICC account descriptions: ICC Account Number 6, Bridge.

Great Northern Railway Historical Society Blueprint Collection JSBP0791, Cartwright, North Dakota, 1941.

Great Northern Railway Historical Society Blueprint Collection JSBP0791, Cartwright, North Dakota, 1941. Great Northern Blueprint Number 3 OF 4, Highway Approach to Railway Br.. Details of Substructure. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 6, Bridges, Trestles, and Culverts. Other ICC account descriptions: ICC Account Number 6, Bridge.

Great Northern Railway Historical Society Blueprint Collection JSBP0792, Cartwright, North Dakota, 1941.

Great Northern Railway Historical Society Blueprint Collection JSBP0792, Cartwright, North Dakota, 1941. Great Northern Blueprint Number 1 OF 4, Highway Approach to Railway Br.. General Drawing. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 6, Bridges, Trestles, and Culverts. Other ICC account descriptions: ICC Account Number 6, Bridge.