Volcour (Mont.)



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  • Taken From: "GN Locations" database compiled by Jim Chinquist, year 1950.

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Volcour (Mont.)

BT Montana

Volcour (Mont.)

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Volcour (Mont.)

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Volcour (Mont.)

16 Archival description results for Volcour (Mont.)

16 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 4810, Volcour, Montana, 1917.

AFE 4810, Volcour, Montana, 1917. Relaying 90# Bessemer Rail with New Open Hearth First Quality Rail and Re-Sawed 90# Rail, for A Distance of 5 Miles West From End of Lackawanna Bessemer 90# Rail About 1 1/4 Miles West of Volcour. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 9 Rails Cost: $8797. Series II. Lines West. Kalispell Division. Other Subject Categories: ,

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 4009, Volcour, Montana, 1917.

AFE 4009, Volcour, Montana, 1917. Relaying 90# Bessemer Rail with New Open Hearth First Quality Rail and Re-Sawed 90# Rail, for A Distance of 5 Miles West From End of Lackawanna Bessemer 90# Rail About 1 1/4 Miles West of Volcour. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 9 Rails Cost: $25410. Series II. Lines West. Kalispell Division. Other Subject Categories: ,

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 35653, Tweed, Montana, 1927.

AFE 35653, Tweed, Montana, 1927. Bridge No 11 Over Creek, 2 Miles E of Tweed, Montana.
Pile Trestle 111 Feet Long, 9 1/2 Feet High, Built 1917. Replace with Concrete Trestle 80 Feet Long. Raise Grade 2 Feet.
Bridge No. 5 Over Creek 1/2 Mile West of Volcour, Montana.
Pile Trestle 69 Feet Long, 10 1.2 High Built 1915.
Replace with Concrete Trestle 64 Feet Long. Provide Trainmen's Walk South Side. Raise Grade 6 Inches. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 6, Bridges, Trestles, Culverts. Cost: $20400. Series II. Lines West. Kalispell Division.

Results 1 to 10 of 16