Tilden Junction (Minn.)



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Source note(s)

  • Taken From: "List of Officers, Agents, Stations, Etc. Number 44" published by the NP Accounting Department.

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Tilden Junction (Minn.)

Tilden Junction (Minn.)

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Tilden Junction (Minn.)

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Tilden Junction (Minn.)

33 Archival description results for Tilden Junction (Minn.)

33 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 12255, Tilden Junction, Minnesota, 1920.

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 12255, Tilden Junction, Minnesota, 1920. Relay 1710 Ft withS H 75#/96# Rail and S H Heavy Tie Plates. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 9 Rails Cost: $1140. Series II. Lines East. Mesabi Division. Other Subject Categories: Track Maintenance, Rail

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 19646, Tilden Junction, Minnesota, 1922.

AFE 19646, Tilden Junction, Minnesota, 1922. Replace Interlocking with Horizontal Leadout Machine in Depot, Replace Wood Pole Signal with Iron Pole Signal, Remove Tower Building. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 27, Signals and Interlockers. Cost: $20120. Series II. Lines East. Other Subject Categories: Crossings, Interlocking Plants

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 19649, Tilden Junction, Minnesota, 1922.

AFE 19649, Tilden Junction, Minnesota, 1922. Replace Interlocking Machine with Horizontal Leadout Machine in Depot, and Wood Pole Signals Withiron Pole Signals and Remove Tower Building. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 27, Signals and Interlockers. Cost: $2012. Series II. Lines East. Northern Division. Other Subject Categories: Crossings, Interlocking Plants

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 25526, Tilden Junction, Minnesota, 1915.

AFE 25526, Tilden Junction, Minnesota, 1915. Install Time Lock for Interlocking with N.P. and G.N. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 27, Signals and Interlockers. Cost: $100. Series I. Lines East. Northern Division. Other Subject Categories: Crossings, Interlocking Plants

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 26217, Tilden Junction, Minnesota, 1924.

AFE 26217, Tilden Junction, Minnesota, 1924. Make Necessary Changes to Permit Operation Without Attendant. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 27, Signals and Interlockers. Cost: $3277. Series II. Lines East. Other Subject Categories: Crossings, Interlocking Plants

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 33345, Minnesota, 1926.

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 33345, Minnesota, 1926. Relay 10.5 Miles of Track Between Monitor and Tilden Junction. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 9 Rails Cost: $118400. Series II. Lines East. Dakota Division. Other Subject Categories: Track, Track Laying and Removal

Results 1 to 10 of 33