Showing 116 results

Subjects term Scope note Archival description count Authority record count
Other materials 2 0
  • A serial publication with its own distinctive title, containing a mix of articles, editorials, reviews, columns, short stories, or other short works written by more than one contributor, issued in softcover more than once, generally at regular stated intervals of less than a year, without prior decision as to when the final issue will appear. Although each issue is complete in itself, its relationship to preceding issues is indicated by enumeration, usually issue number and volume number printed on the front cover.
6 0
Personnel records (2)

Use for: Personnel records in industry

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, documents concerning railroad employees. These most frequently include either rosters of personnel belonging to a particular labor union, labor contracts, or documents concerning individual employees.
1 0
Photography of Railroads (31)

Use for: Photographs

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, still images of railroad equipment, facilities, employees, customers and other railroad-related subjects whether printed photographs, negatives, slides or digital.
86 0
Printed Ephemera

Use for: Ephemera, Ephemera printing, Printing, ephemeral

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, items created by a railroad for advertising or customer relations purposes: flyers, cards, matchbooks are examples.
37 0
Railroad Accident--Investigation

Use for: Railroad Accident Reports, Railroad Accident Investigation

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, documents relating to the investigation of railroad accidents.
0 0
Railroad accidents

Use for: Train wrecks, Derailments, Railway disasters

  • Photographs of railroad accidents and mishaps.
169 0
Railroad bridge drawings

Use for: Railroad bridges, Bridges

  • A Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive subject. An engineering drawing of a railroad bridge or its components.
1178 0
Railroad bridges

Use for: Bridges, Railroads--Bridges

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, a photograph of a bridge or trestle constructed by a railroad company, typically for the passage of railroad equipment
328 0
Railroad cars self-propelled
  • A Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive subject denoting photographs of railroad cars capable of moving themselves and sometimes 1-2 other, non-powered, cars, typically through the use of a gasoline or diesel engine driving an electric generator.
138 0
Results 41 to 50 of 116