Tacoma (Wash.)



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Tacoma (Wash.)

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Tacoma (Wash.)

6 Archival description results for Tacoma (Wash.)

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Burlington Northern roundhouse at Tacoma, Washington, in 1972.

Burlington Northern roundhouse at Tacoma, Washington, on October 5, 1972. Empty former-Northern Pacific engine house, built ca. 1890, with turntable, office/former coach body, smokestack, SD45 diesel locomotive parked in front. Photo by J.M. Fredrickson. Other Subject Classes: roundhouse, turntable, yard office, diesel locomotive

Fredrickson, James M.

Burlington Northern roundhouse at Tacoma, Washington, in 1972.

Burlington Northern roundhouse at Tacoma, Washington, on September 2, 1972. Former Northern Pacific 1890-vintage structure with turntable, diesel locomotives in front. Photo by J.M. Fredrickson. Other Subject Classes: roundhouse, turntable, diesel locomotive

Fredrickson, James M.

Burlington Northern roundhouse at Tacoma, Washington, in 1972.

Burlington Northern roundhouse at Tacoma, Washington, on September 2, 1972. Former Northern Pacific 1890-vintage structure with diesel locomotives inside and in front, smokestack. Photo by J.M. Fredrickson. Other Subject Classes: roundhouse, diesel locomotive

Fredrickson, James M.