Tacoma Park (S.D.)



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  • Taken From: "GN Locations" database compiled by Jim Chinquist, year 1950.

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Tacoma Park (S.D.)

Tacoma Park (S.D.)

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Tacoma Park (S.D.)

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Tacoma Park (S.D.)

30 Archival description results for Tacoma Park (S.D.)

30 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 60.0429, Tacoma Park, South Dakota, 1960.

AFE 60.0429, Tacoma Park, South Dakota, 1960. Renew Approaches and Piers Under Steel Spand with Creosote Pile and Timber Construction Over James River. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 6, Bridges, Trestles, Culverts. Cost: $21000. Series II. Lines East. Other Subject Categories: Structures, Bridges

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 63.0816, Tacoma Park, South Dakota, 1963.

AFE 63.0816, Tacoma Park, South Dakota, 1963. Erect 2597' of Standard 26' Woven Wire Dence and One Standard Farm Gate - Station 622+76 to Station 596+73. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 13, Fences, Snowsheds and Signs. Cost: $800. Series II. Lines East. Other Subject Categories: Fences, Right of Way

Results 21 to 30 of 30