South Klamath (Or.)



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Source note(s)

  • Taken From: "GN Locations" database compiled by Jim Chinquist, year 1950.

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Hierarchical terms

South Klamath (Or.)

BT Oregon

South Klamath (Or.)

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South Klamath (Or.)

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South Klamath (Or.)

175 Archival description results for South Klamath (Or.)

175 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 1804, South Klamath, Oregon, 1949.

AFE 1804, South Klamath, Oregon, 1949. Furnish 1 12 Gallon Drinking Fountain withFrigidare Metermiser for Car Repair Track. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 20 Shops and Engine Houses Cost: $325. Series CER. Lines West. Klamath Division. Other Subject Categories: Servicing Facilities, Other

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 38293, South Klamath, Oregon, 1948.

AFE 38293, South Klamath, Oregon, 1948. Agreement Between Great Northern and C.C. Kelley for Roadway Along Right of Way. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 2 Land for Transportation Purposes. Series A. Lines West. Other Subject Categories: Land, Non-RoW Transactions

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 44088, South Klamath, Oregon, 1932.

AFE 44088, South Klamath, Oregon, 1932. Construct Terminal Facilities, Consisting of 12-Stall Engine House withBoiler House, Sand Dryer, Storage Bin, and 11750 Feet of Track. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 20 Shops and Engine Houses Cost: $183050. Series II. Lines West. Klamath Division. Other Subject Categories: Repair Facilities, Roundhouse

Results 1 to 10 of 175