Sockeye (Wash.)



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  • Taken From: "GN Locations" database compiled by Jim Chinquist, year 1950.

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Sockeye (Wash.)

Sockeye (Wash.)

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Sockeye (Wash.)

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Sockeye (Wash.)

16 Archival description results for Sockeye (Wash.)

16 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 2184, Sockeye, Washington, 1916.

AFE 2184, Sockeye, Washington, 1916. Fill 1363.7 Feet and Renew 96 Feet of Bridge No. 52, Throw 1260 Feet of Present Quarry Track to Make Room for Toe of Slope. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 12 Track Laying and Surfacing Cost: $17110. Series II. Lines West. Cascade Division. Other Subject Categories: Track, Industry

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 25338, Sockeye, Washington, 1924.

AFE 25338, Sockeye, Washington, 1924. Rebuild Overhead Foot Bridge at Astoria and Puget Sound Canning Company's Plant 0.5 Mi. N. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 6, Bridges, Trestles, Culverts. Cost: $400. Series II. Lines West. Cascade Division. Other Subject Categories: Structures, Bridges

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 49070, Sockeye, Washington, 1926.

AFE 49070, Sockeye, Washington, 1926. Construct and Remove Temporary Bridge to Permit The Construction of Concrete Pedestrian Underpass by the State of Washington, Backfill Permanent Underpass and Furnish Easement for Footpath, 2 Miles North. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 39 Public improvements; construction Cost: $0. Series II. Lines West. Cascade Division. Other Subject Categories: Crossings, Public

Results 1 to 10 of 16