Railroad stations




Scope note(s)

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive (PNRA), a still photograph of a structure constructed by a railroad company for the accommodation of passengers and/or freight. At PNRA this term also includes structures for the exclusive use of freight, sometimes known as freighthouses.

Source note(s)

Display note(s)

Hierarchical terms

Railroad stations

Equivalent terms

Railroad stations

  • UF Depots, Railroad
  • UF Rail stations
  • UF Railway stations
  • UF Stations, Railroad
  • UF Train stations
  • UF Railroad depots
  • UF Freighthouses

Associated terms

Railroad stations

3316 Archival description results for Railroad stations

3316 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Northern Pacific station at Missoula, Montana, circa 1910.

Northern Pacific station at Missoula, Montana, circa 1910. Retouched photo of brick three-story station, passenger train with two steam locomotives, local passenger train with 4-4-0-type steam locomotive on house track, railroad employees working. Photo by Ron V. Nixon, J.M. Fredrickson collection.. Other Subject Classes: station, passenger train, steam locomotive, mountains

Fredrickson, James M.

Northern Pacific station at Napavine, Washington, circa 1910.

Northern Pacific station at Napavine, Washington, circa 1910. Small frame station with telegraph operator, locomotive crew, laborers, Class W Mikado-type steam locomotive number 1500 standing. Photo by J.H. Flagg, J.M. Fredrickson collection. Other Subject Classes: station, railroad employee, railroad crew, people, steam locomotive

Fredrickson, James M.

Northern Pacific station at Nisqually, Washington, circa 1926.

Northern Pacific station at Nisqually, Washington, circa 1926. Looking north at frame station, train order signal, mainline, man dozing in chair, milk cans awaiting pickup, road bridge. Photo by Virgil Holloway, J.M. Fredrickson collection. Other Subject Classes: station, signal, track, people, bridge

Fredrickson, James M.

Results 3021 to 3030 of 3316