Railroad stations




Scope note(s)

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive (PNRA), a still photograph of a structure constructed by a railroad company for the accommodation of passengers and/or freight. At PNRA this term also includes structures for the exclusive use of freight, sometimes known as freighthouses.

Source note(s)

Display note(s)

Hierarchical terms

Railroad stations

Equivalent terms

Railroad stations

  • UF Depots, Railroad
  • UF Rail stations
  • UF Railway stations
  • UF Stations, Railroad
  • UF Train stations
  • UF Railroad depots
  • UF Freighthouses

Associated terms

Railroad stations

3316 Archival description results for Railroad stations

3316 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Great Northern Depot at Klamath Falls, Oregon, undated

Great Northern depot at Klamath Falls, Oregon, undated. Prefabricated building (Note: The caption is in error, this cannot be Meyers Falls as the town was submerged by Lake Roosevelt (behind Grand Coulee Dam) around 1940). The slide was labeled "New Building Moved To Kamath Falls", photograph by Maynerd Rikerd, from the Norm Keyes Collection.

Rikerd, Maynerd

Results 1951 to 1960 of 3316