Railroad bridges




Scope note(s)

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, a photograph of a bridge or trestle constructed by a railroad company, typically for the passage of railroad equipment

Source note(s)

Display note(s)

Hierarchical terms

Railroad bridges

Equivalent terms

Railroad bridges

  • UF Bridges
  • UF Railroads--Bridges

Associated terms

Railroad bridges

15 Archival description results for Railroad bridges

15 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Burlington Northern Cabooses Number 10298, Number 12190 and Grain Hoppers at Minot, North Dakota in 1981

Burlington Northern caboose Number 10298, former Northern Pacific Number 10137; caboose Number 12190; on rear of westbound crossing Gassman Coulee bridge at Minot, North Dakota on February 19, 1981. Farmland Industries (FLIX) Number 2416 and Cook Industries covered hoppers ahead of caboose. Photo by Al Christianson.

Burlington Northern Cabooses Number 10298, Number 12190 and Grain Hoppers at Minot, North Dakota in 1981

Burlington Northern caboose Number 10298, former Northern Pacific Number 10137; caboose Number 12190; on rear of westbound crossing Gassman Coulee bridge at Minot, North Dakota on February 19, 1981. Caboose Number 10298 has Northern Pacific paint with Burlington Northern number. Photo by Al Christianson.

Results 1 to 10 of 15