Pinnacle (Mont.)



Scope note(s)

Source note(s)

  • Taken From: "GN Locations" database compiled by Jim Chinquist, year 1950.

Display note(s)

Hierarchical terms

Pinnacle (Mont.)

BT Montana

Pinnacle (Mont.)

Equivalent terms

Pinnacle (Mont.)

  • UF Paola (Mont.)

Associated terms

Pinnacle (Mont.)

10 Archival description results for Pinnacle (Mont.)

Only results directly related

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 9436, Pinnacle, Montana, 1918.

AFE 9436, Pinnacle, Montana, 1918. Place Condemned Car Body for Depot, Construct 12 X 50 Cinder Platform; Also Place Car Body for Operator's Living Quarters. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 16, Station and Office Buildings. Cost: $462. Series II. Lines West. Other Subject Categories: Station Facilities

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 38708, Pinnacle, Montana, 1928.

AFE 38708, Pinnacle, Montana, 1928. Remove Dirt Ballast and Other Poor Material in Sub-Grade of Tunnell #2 1846 Feet Long, Replacing with Washed Ballast on Crushed Stone: Under Crushed Stone in Easterly One Third of Tunnel Construction Concrete, Iavert Apporximately 24: Thick: Plug Present Weep Holes in Concrete Lining at Side and Drill 250 New Holes in Lower Level Connecting by Drain to Vitrified Sewer Pipe in Center Between Two Main Lines, One Mile West of Innacle, Montana. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 5 Tunnels and Subways. Cost: $28800. Series II. Lines West. Kalispell Division.

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 36163, Pinnacle, Montana, 1928.

AFE 36163, Pinnacle, Montana, 1928. Thorwing Double Track Tangent Between Curves 171 and 172, 14 FeetInto The Hillside Just West of Tunnel 3, 1 3.4 Miles West of Pinnacle, Montana. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 12, Track Laying and Surfacing. Cost: $23700. Series II. Lines West. Kalispell Division.