Painted Robe (Mont.)


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Painted Robe (Mont.)

BT Montana

12 Archival description results for Painted Robe (Mont.)

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Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 11883, Painted Robe, Montana, 1919.

AFE 11883, Painted Robe, Montana, 1919. Construct Turn-Out to Clearance Point, 155 Feet., to Connect with Track of Bair-Collins Coal Company. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 12, Track Laying and Surfacing. Cost: $820. Series II. Lines ... »

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 12321, Painted Robe, Montana, 1920.

AFE 12321, Painted Robe, Montana, 1920. Furnish and Place Car Body for Freight and Shelter Shed and Construct a 100 FeetCinder Platform. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 17, Roadway buildings. Cost: $450. Series II. Lines West. Butte ... »

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 12707, Painted Robe, Montana, 1920.

AFE 12707, Painted Robe, Montana, 1920. Line with Concrete, Tunnel Q-2, 1121 Feet Long, and Lower Grade Through Tunnel and at Either End to Conform with Origial Grade Line. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 5 Tunnels and Subways. Cost: $10... »

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 18272, Painted Robe, Montana, 1921.

AFE 18272, Painted Robe, Montana, 1921. Move a 24' X 44' Section House, 16' X 36' Laborer's House, Two 6' X 6' Privies, and One 8' X 12' Tool House From Painted Robe to Broadview. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 17, Roadway buildings. ... »

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 18654, Painted Robe, Montana, 1921.

AFE 18654, Painted Robe, Montana, 1921. Move Section Tool House From Painted Robe to Belmont, Montana. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 17, Roadway buildings. Cost: $20. Series II. Lines West. Butte Division. Other Subject Categories:... »

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 21398, Painted Robe, Montana, 1922.

AFE 21398, Painted Robe, Montana, 1922. Remove Loose and Dangerous Overhanging Rock in Rock Cut at East End of Tunnel Q-2. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 5 Tunnels and Subways. Cost: $3000. Series II. Lines West. Butte Division. ... »

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 3534, Painted Robe, Montana, 1916.

AFE 3534, Painted Robe, Montana, 1916. Construct Main Spur Track 640 FeetLong and Loading Spur 325 FeetLong, for The Painted Rove Coal Company. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 12 Track Laying and Surfacing Cost: $1517. Series II. Lines ... »

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 36603, Painted Robe, Montana, 1928.

AFE 36603, Painted Robe, Montana, 1928. Remove 2000 Cubic Yds of Loose and Dangerous Overhanging Rock at East End of Tunnel Q=2, 1 1/2 Miles Westt of Painted Robe, Montana. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 5 Tunnels and Subways. Cost: $33... »

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 3823, Painted Robe, Montana, 1916.

AFE 3823, Painted Robe, Montana, 1916. Install Water Treating Plant withNecessary Engine, Pump, and Housing. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 18 Water Stations Cost: $4790. Series II. Lines West. Butte Division. Other Subject ... »

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