Pacific Junction (Mont.)



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Pacific Junction (Mont.)

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Pacific Junction (Mont.)

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Pacific Junction (Mont.)

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Pacific Junction (Mont.)

54 Archival description results for Pacific Junction (Mont.)

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Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 22594, Pacific Junction, Montana, 1923.

AFE 22594, Pacific Junction, Montana, 1923. Place Riprap at Bridges 647, 651 and 657, and Place Timber Culvert with Spillway Through Roadbed 5 P.E. Milepost 72. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 6, Bridges, Trestles, Culverts. Cost: $820. Series II. Lines West. Butte Division. Other Subject Categories: Structures, Bridges

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 24523, Pacific Junction, Montana, 1923.

AFE 24523, Pacific Junction, Montana, 1923. Purchase 36 Acres of Land for Quarry Purposes to Get Rip Rap for Making Road Bed Repairs Between Havre and Williston. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 2, Land for Transportation Purposes. Cost: $10100. Series II. Lines West. Montana Division. Other Subject Categories: Land, RoW Transactions

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 24665, Pacific Junction, Montana, 1923.

AFE 24665, Pacific Junction, Montana, 1923. In Bridge #2, Which Is Steel 280' Long 25' High Over Big Sandy Creek 2 Mi. W of Pacific Juntion, Replace 96' Pony Truss Span with A 98' T.P.G. Steel Span and Remodel Supporting Pier and Abutment. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 6, Bridges, Trestles, Culverts. Cost: $19000. Series II. Lines West. Montana Division. Other Subject Categories: Structures, Bridges

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 35377, Pacific Junction, Montana, 1927.

AFE 35377, Pacific Junction, Montana, 1927. Furnish and Place 15000 Secondhand 7X10 1/2" Tieplates Replacing Light Plates on Renewal Ties, Between Pacific Junction. and Cut Bank, Montana. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 12, Track Laying and Surfacing. Cost: $2490. Series II. Lines West. Montana Division.

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 35548, Pacific Junction, Montana, 1927.

AFE 35548, Pacific Junction, Montana, 1927. Replace Pile Bridges 57 and 57A with Concrete Pipe and Fill.
Replace Cast Iron Pipe Culvert 42.5 with Concrete Pipe, and Replace Tie Plates and Paint Steel of Bridge 12, During Season 1928, Between Pacific Junction. and Cut Bank, Montana. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 6, Bridges, Trestles, Culverts. Cost: $2740. Series II. Lines West. Montana Division.

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 36207, Pacific Junction, Montana, 1928.

AFE 36207, Pacific Junction, Montana, 1928. Furnish and Place 5000 and 45000 Tie Plates Replacing Broken and Missing Tie Plates Between Pacific Junction and Great Falls, Mont. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 10 Other Track Material Cost: $10430. Series II. Lines West. Butte Division. Other Subject Categories: Track Maintenance, OTM

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 36848, Pacific Junction, Montana, 1928.

AFE 36848, Pacific Junction, Montana, 1928. Replace 25 Old Type Cattle Guards with Bartlett Cattle Guards at Points Between Pacific Junction. and Great Falls, Montana. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 13, Fences, Snowsheds and Signs. Cost: $1190. Series II. Lines West. Butte Division.

Results 11 to 20 of 54