Kelly Lake (Minn.)



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  • Taken From: "GN Locations" database compiled by Jim Chinquist, year 1950.

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Kelly Lake (Minn.)

Kelly Lake (Minn.)

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Kelly Lake (Minn.)

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Kelly Lake (Minn.)

583 Archival description results for Kelly Lake (Minn.)

583 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 34970, Kelly Lake, Minnesota, 1927.

AFE 34970, Kelly Lake, Minnesota, 1927. Rearranging Yard Track and Relaying Light Rail withSecondhand 90# Material in Leads South End of Mahoning Mine Yard Near Kelly Lake, Minnesota. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 12, Track Laying and Surfacing. Cost: $72820. Series II. Lines East. Mesabi Division.

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 34965, Swan River And Kelly Lake, Minnesota, 1927.

AFE 34965, Swan River And Kelly Lake, Minnesota, 1927. Relay withSecondhand 90# Rail Approximnately 10 Miles of Main Track Between Swan River and Kelly Lake, Minnesota. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 12, Track Laying and Surfacing. Cost: $75100. Series II. Lines East. Mesabi Division.

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 34886, Kelly Lake, Minnesota, 1927.

AFE 34886, Kelly Lake, Minnesota, 1927. Removing #1 Siding 1544' Long, Main Spur 1754' Long and Tail Track 362' Long, Also Retire Grading for Tracks Removed Under Afe Pres. 10040, at Stevenson Mine, Near Kelly Lake, Minnesota. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 12, Track Laying and Surfacing. Cost: $835. Series II. Lines East. Mesabi Division.

Results 421 to 430 of 583