Kalispell (Mont.)



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Kalispell (Mont.)

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Kalispell (Mont.)

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Kalispell (Mont.)

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Kalispell (Mont.)

217 Archival description results for Kalispell (Mont.)

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Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 10598, Kalispell, Montana, 1919.

AFE 10598, Kalispell, Montana, 1919. Replace Present Worn-Out Track Scale Irons with Second Had Scale Irons Recovered From Glasgow, and Remodel Scale Pit; Move Scale House and Throw No. 2 Track So As to Place Scale House Between Tracks. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 16, Station and Office Buildings. Cost: $1430. Series II. Lines West. Kalispell Division. Other Subject Categories: Station Facilities, Scales

Results 1 to 10 of 217