- US WaBuPNRA D0193
- Collection
The William Lofdahl Collection includes manuals, books, employee rosters, catalogs, and photographic slides of wrecks in the 1960's.
Lofdahl, William E.
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The William Lofdahl Collection includes manuals, books, employee rosters, catalogs, and photographic slides of wrecks in the 1960's.
Lofdahl, William E.
The William Loew Collection includes miscellaneous railroad items.
Loew, William
The William Loew Collecton incorporates a variety of Great Northern Railway documents from the period 1929 to 1961.
Loew, William
The William Kane Collection is comprised of one drawing of the Great Northern New Cascade Tunnel opening, approximately 200 photographs of construction of the tunnel, and miscellaneous other items related to the tunnel.
Kane, William F.
The William Kajdzik Collection includes a framed poster of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, Railroad & Transportation Auction catalogs, #22-74 inclusive, a 1894 Poor's Manual and 1 1929 Poor's Manual, four books: Reading Company Freight Train Symbol Book #20, Ein Jahrhundret Schweizer Bahnen, The Official Guide March 1949, and Curved-side cars (Cincinnati Car Co.), One copy of Handlan-Buck MFG-Railroad Miners', Machinists' and Lumber-mill Supplies catalog, 25 Railroad lanterns, 1 Handlan-Buck book of photos of company and employees. 1 disk of photos. See http://admin.pnrarchive.org/sites/databases/Collection%20Descriptions/Lajdzik%20collection.pdf
Kajdzik, William
The William Jolitz Collection assembles photographs of a snow plow at the Staples, Minnesota railroad yard.
Jolitz, William
The William J. Neill collection consists of digital copies of locomotive cab films taken between Seattle, Washington and Portland, Oregon in 1968-1969.
Neill, William J.
The William Hoots Collection includes a Union Pacific lithograph, a copy of the June, 1905 "Technical World", "Union Pacific Country" by Robert G. Athearn, the booklet "The Royal Hudson Tour 1977", "Southern Pacific Locomotives" by Donald Duke, and 4 photographs of Baldwin locomotives.
Hoots, William K.
The William Harrison Collection includes a large number of railroad books, photographs and maps with emphasis on the Northern Pacific and other Pacific Northwest railroads. More detailed information may be found at http://admin.pnrarchive.org/sites/databases/Collection%20Descriptions/Harrison2.pdf, http://admin.pnrarchive.org/sites/databases/Collection%20Descriptions/Harrison3.pdf, http://admin.pnrarchive.org/sites/databases/Collection%20Descriptions/Harrison4.pdf.
Harrison, William R.
The William G. Tennant Collection includes photographs of railroad subjects.
Tennant, William