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Great Northern Railway Company (U.S.)
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Work cars (Railroads)

The Work Cars section of the Cordell Newby Collection includes color slides of Great Northern Railway maintenance of way cars.

Newby, Cordell

William Sornsin Collection

  • US WaBuPNRA D0237
  • Collection

The William Sornsin Collection includes "The King Street Station Historic Structural Report" on the Seattle, Washington railroad station, the Washington Department of Transportaion Master Plan Summary Report on the King Street Station, notebooks, photographs and a study of past interior finishes of the King Street Station, and engineering drawings of the King Street Station. It also includes calendars for the Burlington Northern Santa Fe, shop packets of "The Great Northern Goat" published by the Great Northern Railway Historical Society and other reference sheets.

Sornsin, William C.

William Pochmerski Collection

  • US WaBuPNRA D0133
  • Collection
  • 1930 - 2003

The William Pochmerski Collection includes VHS videotapes, photographs and a newpaper clipping of the move of Great Northern steam locomotive #2507 and the move of the Terry Avenue, Seattle Railway Post Office car. Additional materials include the 1963 Annual Reports for the Great Northern and Northern Pacific and Car Builders Cyclopedias for 1940 and 1961, Car and Locomotive Cyclopedias for 1970 and Locmotive Cyclopedias for 1930 and 1947.

Pochmerski, William

William McKown Collection

  • US WaBuPNRA D0026
  • Collection

The William McKown Collection includes photographs and drawings used by him to produce models of railroad equipment for W&R Enterprises. Equipment represented includes locomotives, freight cars, passenger cars and maintenance of way cars. Railroads represented include the Union Pacific Railroad Company, Southern Pacific Railroad Company, Great Northern Railway Company (U.S.), Northern Pacific Railroad Company, Burlington Northern Railroad Company, and other Railroads including Oregon Railroad and Navigation, Western Pacific, Denver and Rio Grande Western, New York Central, Reading Railroad, Chesapeake and Ohio, Pennsylvania Railroad, Canadian National Railroad, Soo Line, Frisco and Missouri Pacific.

McKown, William

William Lofdahl Collection

  • US WaBuPNRA D0193
  • Collection

The William Lofdahl Collection includes manuals, books, employee rosters, catalogs, and photographic slides of wrecks in the 1960's.

Lofdahl, William E.

William Loew Collection

  • US WaBuPNRA D0337
  • Collection
  • 1929-1961

The William Loew Collecton incorporates a variety of Great Northern Railway documents from the period 1929 to 1961.

Loew, William

William Kane Collection

  • US WaBuPNRA D0154
  • Collection
  • 1925-1929

The William Kane Collection is comprised of one drawing of the Great Northern New Cascade Tunnel opening, approximately 200 photographs of construction of the tunnel, and miscellaneous other items related to the tunnel.

Kane, William F.

William Harrison Collection

  • US WaBuPNRA D0013
  • Collection

The William Harrison Collection includes a large number of railroad books, photographs and maps with emphasis on the Northern Pacific and other Pacific Northwest railroads. More detailed information may be found at,,

Harrison, William R.

Results 1 to 10 of 132656