The Jim Kruzberger Collection includes items from the Nothern Pacific Railroad Company and other Minnesota and Wisconsin railroads including 13 post cards, 78 prints, 65 negatives, 1 copy of timetable #22 for the Lake Superior Division of the Northern Pacific dated 05/03/1903, 1 copy of timetable #154 for the Duluth and Lake Superior Terminal railroads dated 11/09/1930, 1 copy of timetable #32A for the Lake Superior Division of the Northern Pacific dated 10/30/1910, a map of Chicago and North Western Railway Company system dated 10/1964, 1 copy of "Minnesota History" dated Spring 2006, 2 flyers for steam trips put on by Minnesota Railfan Association dated 07/01/1956 and 06/39/1957, 1 copy of a Northern Pacific passenger schedule dated 10/27/1957, 1 copy of a Northern Pacific Passenger schedule condensed dated 11/16/1952, 1 copy of Northern Pacific passenger schedule dated 10/29/1961, and 1 copy of the brochure "NP Locomotives".
The Jim Rogers Collection joins a Pullman creamer and sugar bowl and from the Pennsylvania Railroad and a first aid kit from the Pacific Coast Railroad.
The John Phillips III Collection includes the Yearbook of Railroad Facts for the various years between 1939 and 1982; a Time Book for the United Transportation Union from 1983; 1 Northern Pacific Railroad Company blank form 1450/9-24, “Agents Record of Seals Applied and Removed”; a binder with the Schedule of Equipment Rental and Other Rental Rates for use between carriers; a March 28,1949 Study entitled" Foundation Investigation Union Pacific Railroad Spur Richland, WA for General Electric Company GE Nucleonics Project Richland WA"; the Northern Pacific Rocky Mountain Division Cross Section MP 700-1060 ( Helena and Jefferson County RR); the Northern Pacific Rocky Mountain Division Cross Section MP 377+40-700 ( Helena and Jefferson County RR); and a booklet for Bridge 169 near Superior, Montana.
The John Christensen Collection includes published books on railroad subjects, operating documents for the Northern Pacific and Great Northern, equipment manuals and other documents received from Don Stay, Southern Pacific track profiles from 1990 and Operating Rules for 1986, the diary of J. P. Titus, an engineer involved in the Northern Pacific's Eagle Gorge, Washington line change in 1958, and trainmens' work schedules for Everett, Washington in the late 1980's and early 1990's
The John Dennis Collection holds some 160 color photographs taken by Danny P. Cook and additional photographs provided as digital files. Subjects are primarily Burlington Northern equipment, employees and locations in western Washington state taken in the 1990's. Some photographs of Amtrak and Union Pacific subjects are also included.
The John F. Strauss Collection includes materials on various Pacific Northwest railroads including the Great Northern, Northern Pacific, Milwaukee Road, and Burlington Northern. Items include sound recordings on vinyl, VHS format video recordings, books on railroad topics, scrapbooks on Great Northern passenger service and timetables for various railroads. Materials date between 1905 and 2008 with most from the second half of the 20th century.
The John Hilliard Collection includes 13 photographs of a Northern Pacific wreck and the Livingston, Montana workshops, and 44 photographs of snow plows, retirements and train wrecks from the Ray Spanring collection.
The John Lubetkin Collection is comprised of published books on railroad subjects, railroad stock and bond certificates from the 19th and 20th centuries, and research materials gathered by Mr. Lubetkin for his non-fiction and historical fiction works, including "Jay Cooke's Gamble: The Northern Pacific Railroad, The Sioux and The Panic of 1873".
The John McNutt Collection includes Milwaukee Road Rules and Instructions, 1974, Safety Instructions, 1970, and a public timetable from May, 1939. Also included are a Railroad Commisssioners' report from 1907, a Consolidated Code from 1967, an Electro-Motive Division Operator's Manual for their SD-7 from 1954, a United Transportation Union Schedule for Trainmen and Yardmen from 1969, a Chicago and Northwestern Railroad notebook, "The Railroad Spiral" by William Searles, 1906, and a Southern Pacific "Shasta Route" timetable from 1956.