AFE 38675, Dean, Washington, 1928. Repairs and Renewals to Bridges and Culverts Between Dean and Marcus During Year 1929 As Follows:
Bridge 15 - Pile 69 Ft Long 13 Ft High.
Replace with Double 48" Conc. Pipe Culvert 48 Feet Long and Fill.
Bridge 27- Pile 155 Ft Long 12 Ft High
Replace with 4 Rows 48" Conc. Pipe Culvert 48 Feet Long and Fill
Bridge 28 - Pile 84 Feet Long, 11 Ft High
Replace with 4 Rows 48" Conc. Pipe 48 Ft Long and Fill
Bridge 33 - Pile 84 Ft Long, 11 Ft High.
Replace with 4 Rows 48" Conc. Pipe 48 Feet Long and Fill
Bridge 34- Pile 97 Ft Long and 6 FeetHigh.
Replace with 4 Rows 48" Conc Pipe 36 Feet Long and Fill
Bridge 38- Pile 84 Ft Long and 20 Ft High.
Replace with 66 Lin Ft 89"X84" Conc. Pipe for Cattle Pass
Bridge 51 1/2 - Pile 15 Ft Long, 7 Ft High
Replace with Double 30" Concretepipe Culvert 42 Feet Long and Fill
Bridge 55 - Pile 56 Ft Long, 10 Ft High
Replace with Double 36" Concrete Pipe Culvert 48 Feet Long and Fill
Bridge 62 - Pile 42 Ft Long, 8 FeetHigh
Replace with 38 Lin Ft 48" Concrete Pipe and Fill
Bridge 70 - Pile 140 Ft Long 30 Ft High
Replace with 132 Lin Ft 30" Conc. Pipe and Fill
Bridge 35 - Pile 126 Ft Long and 25 FeetHigh
Replace with 6X8-64 Conc Culvert and Fill
Bridge 12 - Pile 56 Feet Long, 5 Ft High. Renew in Kind Using Creosoted Piles and Caps
Bridge 58 - Pile 14 Feet Long, 4 FeetHigh. Replace with 10-16" Open Drains
Bridge 61 - Pile 141 Ft Long 10 FeetHigh
Raise Grade and Excavae for Additional Waterway.
Replace Two Timber Culverts with Dalv Iron Pipes. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 6, Bridges, Trestles, Culverts. Cost: $28000. Series II. Lines West. Spokane Division.