Cut Bank (Mont.)



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Cut Bank (Mont.)

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Cut Bank (Mont.)

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Cut Bank (Mont.)

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Cut Bank (Mont.)

323 Archival description results for Cut Bank (Mont.)

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Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 31363, Cut Bank, Montana, 1926.

AFE 31363, Cut Bank, Montana, 1926. Extend Tracks # 1 and # 2 Eastward 1810' to Station 110+00; Move Crossover From Station 115+60.7 and 117.91.2 to Station 118+86 and 121.78.7; Also Shorten Crossover Station 118+86; Remove Wye. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 12, Track Laying and Surfacing. Cost: $12960. Series II. Lines West. Other Subject Categories: Track, Yard

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 3088, Cut Bank, Montana, 1916.

AFE 3088, Cut Bank, Montana, 1916. Construct A 800 FeetExtension to Industry Spur, Connect Into Main Track at West End. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 12 Track Laying and Surfacing Cost: $1664. Series II. Lines West. Montana Division. Other Subject Categories: Track, Industry

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 3088, Cut Bank, Montana, 1916.

AFE 3088, Cut Bank, Montana, 1916. Construct A 800 FeetExtension to Industry Spur, Connect Into Main Track at West End. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 12 Track Laying and Surfacing Cost: $1664. Series II. Lines West. Montana Division. Other Subject Categories: Track, Industry

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 28921, Cut Bank, Montana, 1925.

AFE 28921, Cut Bank, Montana, 1925. Place Secondhand 10,000 Barrel Storage Tank Removed From Leavenworth, Connect Same to Pump. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 19, Fueling Stations. Cost: $6570. Series II. Lines West. Other Subject Categories: Servicing Facilities, Fuel Oil

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 28067, Cut Bank, Montana, 1924.

AFE 28067, Cut Bank, Montana, 1924. Relay 440' of Track to Engine House withSh. 90# Rail in Place of 60# and 68# and Replacing One #7 68# Turnout withNo. 9 90# Material. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 9 Rails Cost: $1150. Series II. Lines West. Montana Division. Other Subject Categories: Track, Yard

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 28057, Cut Bank, Montana, 1925.

AFE 28057, Cut Bank, Montana, 1925. Retire and Remove Tower, Relocate Portable Bunkhouses, Four Car Bodies, 6 X 6 Privy to Cut Bank Yard. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 27, Signals and Interlockers. Cost: $200. Series II. Lines West. Other Subject Categories: Crossings, Interlocking Plants

Results 171 to 180 of 323