Cordell (Wash.)



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  • Taken From: "GN Locations" database compiled by Jim Chinquist, year 1950.

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Cordell (Wash.)

Cordell (Wash.)

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Cordell (Wash.)

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Cordell (Wash.)

7 Archival description results for Cordell (Wash.)

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Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 25253, Cordell, Washington, 1923.

AFE 25253, Cordell, Washington, 1923. Slope Bank and Place 500 Cu. Yds. Rip Rap About 300' S of Bridge 130.9 Along Bank of Okanogan River to Prevent River From Cutting Bank and Damaging Roadbed. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 3, Grading. Cost: $1950. Series II. Lines West. Spokane Division. Other Subject Categories: Track Maintenance, Rip Rap

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 36992, Cordell, Washington, 1928.

AFE 36992, Cordell, Washington, 1928. Remove 16X24 Bunk House, 8X12 Tool House and 4X6 Privy at Cordell to Be Placed at Oakesdale, Washington, Under Another Afe. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 17, Roadway buildings. Cost: $120. Series II. Lines West. Spokane Division.

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 38052, Cordell, Washington, 1928.

AFE 38052, Cordell, Washington, 1928. Remove 22 X 24 FeetSection House at Station 6862+78 to Be Placed at Palouse, Washington, and Also Remove 6X6 FeetPrivy.
This Afe Canceled January 14, 1929. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 17, Roadway buildings. Cost: $1140. Series II. Lines West. Spokane Division.