Choteau (Mont.)


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Choteau (Mont.)

BT Montana

24 Archival description results for Choteau (Mont.)

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Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 16072, Choteau, Montana, 1920.

AFE 16072, Choteau, Montana, 1920. Install Storm Sash on Windows of Heated Rooms of Passenger and Freight Depot. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 16, Station and Office Buildings. Cost: $120. Series II. Lines West. Havre Division. ... »

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 6465, Choteau, Montana, 1917.

AFE 6465, Choteau, Montana, 1917. Install Electric Lights in Depot and on Platforms, and Put Down A 4' X 4' Well 12' Deep, at Stockyards. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 16 Station and Office Buildings Cost: $220. Series II. Lines West.... »

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 67.0523, Choteau, Montana, 1967.

AFE 67.0523, Choteau, Montana, 1967. Relay 2415 Feetof Industry Track with Secondhand 90# Replacing Light Rail at Choteau, Mont. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 9 Rails Cost: $6300. Series II. Lines West. Butte Division. Other ... »

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