Breckenridge (Minn.)



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Breckenridge (Minn.)

Breckenridge (Minn.)

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Breckenridge (Minn.)

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Breckenridge (Minn.)

979 Archival description results for Breckenridge (Minn.)

979 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 177, Breckenridge, Minnesota, 1915.

AFE 177, Breckenridge, Minnesota, 1915. Install New 50', 150-Ton Track Scale, on Standard Foundation, withA 1450 Foot Scale Track and A 250 Foot Dead Rail Track. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 35 Miscellaneous structures Cost: $7685. Series II. Lines East. Breckenridge Division. Other Subject Categories: Station Facilities, Scales

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 1750, Breckenridge, Minnesota, 1916.

AFE 1750, Breckenridge, Minnesota, 1916. Install # 11 Sheffield Standpipe with 10' Outlet and 10' Pipepline. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 18, Water Stations. Cost: $2496. Series II. Lines East. Willmar Division. Other Subject Categories: Servicing Facilities, Water

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 1750, Breckenridge, Minnesota, 1916.

AFE 1750, Breckenridge, Minnesota, 1916. Construct 10 Stalls 104' Long, Extend 19' to 9 Stalls, Raise Roof, Install Piping, Construct 50 X 192 Brick Powerhouse, 70' Concrete Cinder Pit, Sand Storage Bin 14 X 32; Retire 10 Stalls 76' Long, 70' Turntable, Privy, Sand House14 X18, Sand Bin 14 X 32,. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 20, Shops and Engine Houses. Cost: $94889. Series II. Lines East. Willmar Division. Other Subject Categories: Repair Facilities, Other

Results 861 to 870 of 979