Avon (Wash.)



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Avon (Wash.)

Avon (Wash.)

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Avon (Wash.)

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Avon (Wash.)

24 Archival description results for Avon (Wash.)

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Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 38619, Avon, Washington, 1928.

AFE 38619, Avon, Washington, 1928. Relay with New 110# Rail 7 Miles of Main Track, Replacing 90# Rail, Beginning at Station 733+96 and Extending Westerly 7 Miles.
Relay Two Passing Track Turnouts at Albany, Using #110 Material.
Place 4000 Cubic Yds Bank Widining and 5500 Cubic Yds Washed Gravel Ballast.
Provide 350 Additional Track Ties to Make Standard Spacing
Provide 7 1/2X10 1/2 Tie Plates Out of Face.
Provide 8 Grip Rail Anchors Per 39 FeetPanel of Track. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 12, Track Laying and Surfacing. Cost: $107425. Series II. Lines East. Saint Cloud Division.

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