Ankeny (Wash.)


Source note(s)

  • Taken From list of SP&S Stations and Spurs.

Hierarchical terms

Ankeny (Wash.)

6 Archival description results for Ankeny (Wash.)

6 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Ankeny, Washington, 1910.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 138. 3300 foot extension for passing track at Ankeny, Washington. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number CE 188. Correspondence File ... »

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Ankeny, Washington, 1911.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 369. 300 foot spur at east end of passing track at Ankeny, Washington. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number CE 430. Correspondence ... »

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Ankeny, Washington, 1914.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 946. Building temporary extension of 25 feet on west and 17 feet on east tunnel 8. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number CE 1060. ... »

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Ankeny, Washington, 1915.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 1141. Replacing wooden shims on abutments with cast iron shims, Bridge 304-4 at Ankeny, Washington. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE ... »

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Ankeny, Washington, 1916.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 1702. Line with concrete, Tunnel No. 16 located at mile post 272-0, 3.3 miles east of Farrington, Washington, also construct standard portals. Length of ... »

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Ankeny, Washington, 1916.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 1701. Line with concrete, Tunnel No. 18, located at mile post 303.6, 1.7 miles west of Ankeny, Wash., also extend concrete 20 foot at east end and 30 foot ... »