Aneta (N.D.)



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Aneta (N.D.)

Aneta (N.D.)

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Aneta (N.D.)

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Aneta (N.D.)

62 Archival description results for Aneta (N.D.)

62 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 34805, Aneta, North Dakota, 1927.

AFE 34805, Aneta, North Dakota, 1927. Sale to Steel County of Portion of Right of Way, Being Part of Parcel 81 in Sw 1/4 Se 1/4 Section 32, Township 149, Range 57, Area 1.67 Acres Near Aneta, North Dakota. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 2, Land for Transportation Purposes. Cost: $-150. Series II. Lines East. Breckenridge Division.

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 35002, Aneta, North Dakota, 1927.

AFE 35002, Aneta, North Dakota, 1927. Removing 1100 Track Feet of Passing Track Station 6331+13 to Station 6342+23.Moving East Turnout Westward 1100 Feetat Aneta, North Dakota. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 12, Track Laying and Surfacing. Cost: $200. Series II. Lines East. Breckenridge Division.

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 36898, Aneta, North Dakota, 1928.

AFE 36898, Aneta, North Dakota, 1928. Sale of 12'X34' Bunkhouse. 6'X6' Privy and Four 8'X12; Tool House at Sharon, Andta, Mcville, Tolna and Tokio, North Dakota. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 2, Land for Transportation Purposes. Cost: $-523. Series II. Lines East. Breckenridge Division.

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 37819, Aneta, North Dakota, 1928.

AFE 37819, Aneta, North Dakota, 1928. Lenghtening Crossing Planking Over Four Tracks, Place Flange Rail and Extend 18" Corr. Iron Pipe Culvert 59 Feetat Main St., Aneta, North Dakota.,. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 14, Crossings. Cost: $270. Series II. Lines East. Breckenridge Division.

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 38388, Aneta, North Dakota, 1928.

AFE 38388, Aneta, North Dakota, 1928. Construct Two Additional 24 X 48 FeetStock Pens, One Additional 16 X 48 FeetShelter Shed and One Additional Loading Chute at Stockyards at Aneta, North Dakota. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 16, Station and Office Buildings. Cost: $520. Series II. Lines East. Breckenridge Division.

Results 41 to 50 of 62