Wolf Point (Mont.)



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Wolf Point (Mont.)

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Wolf Point (Mont.)

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Wolf Point (Mont.)

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Wolf Point (Mont.)

184 Archival description results for Wolf Point (Mont.)

184 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 20941, Wolf Point, Montana, 1922.

AFE 20941, Wolf Point, Montana, 1922. Place Condemed Car Body for Storing Wood Shavings at The Roundhouse. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 20, Shops and Engine Houses. Cost: $80. Series II. Lines West. Montana Division. Other Subject Categories: Repair Facilities, Other

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 21059, Wolf Point, Montana, 1922.

AFE 21059, Wolf Point, Montana, 1922. Repair and Improve Dam and Intake of Reservoir Consisting of Extending Wing of Gate in Ditch and Riprap, Extend Dam 15' , Riprap and Repair The Dam Where Washed Out. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 18, Water Stations. Cost: $600. Series II. Lines West. Montana Division. Other Subject Categories: Servicing Facilities, Water

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 21440, Wolf Point, Montana, 1922.

AFE 21440, Wolf Point, Montana, 1922. Relay 12870' of 90# Rail with New Rail Beginning at End of Relaying Under Afe 17444, on Track Located 2 Miles West of Wolf Point, Mont. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 9 Rails Cost: $11540. Series II. Lines West. Montana Division. Other Subject Categories: Track Maintenance, Rail

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 21538, Wolf Point, Montana, 1922.

AFE 21538, Wolf Point, Montana, 1922. Construct Two 16' X 40' Bunk Houses for Round House Laborers. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 20, Shops and Engine Houses. Cost: $1095. Series II. Lines West. Montana Division. Other Subject Categories: Roadway Buildings, Other

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 21627, Wolf Point, Montana, 1922.

AFE 21627, Wolf Point, Montana, 1922. Furnish and Place Secondhand Tool House for Use As Motor Car Repairman's Work Shop and Place Secondhand Privy for Use of Section Laborers. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 17, Roadway buildings. Cost: $99. Series II. Lines West. Montana Division. Other Subject Categories: Roadway Buildings, Section Facilities

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 21678, Wolf Point, Montana, 1922.

AFE 21678, Wolf Point, Montana, 1922. Provide Two Wheel Truck for Use at Round House, One-Wheel Loading Crane, 10 Lockers for Car Men, and Secondhand Typewriter for Use in Locomotive Forman's Office. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 20, Shops and Engine Houses. Cost: $350. Series II. Lines West. Montana Division. Other Subject Categories: Repair Facilities, Other

Results 51 to 60 of 184