Showing 107 results

Subjects term Scope note Archival description count Authority record count
Railroads--Joint Use of Facilities

Use for: Joint Use of Facilities

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, documents embodying the agreements between railroads for facilities used in common.
0 0

Use for: Track profile

  • A Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive subject: A cross-sectional representation of a section of railroad line, intended to show changes in elevation over a route.
10 0
Railroad--Servicing facilities
  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, a still photograph of a railroad equipment servicing facility, such as a water tank, sandhouse, coal dock or icing platform.
16 0
Railroads--Equipment and Supplies 37 0
Railroads--Equipment and supplies (13)

Use for: Equipment

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, a still photograph of railroad rolling stock, typically locomotives, cars or maintenance of way support cars, and including railroad-owned buses and trucks.
10 0

Use for: Railroad employees, Railroad workers, Car workers (Railroads)

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, still photographs of people employed by the railroad, usually in performance of their duties.
98 0
  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, photographs of facilities related to the generation and transmission of electric power to drive electric locomotives.
3 0
Railroads--Design and construction (16)

Use for: Engineering Records

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, documents and engineering drawings concerned with the design, construction and maintenance of railroad structures and equipment. Written documents and engineering drawings describing railroad equipment and physical plant. Car diagrams, equipment manuals, equipment rosters, locomotive diagrams, locomotive reports, part fabrication drawings, lettering and painting drawings, and physical plant drawings are included.
12 0
Railroads--Buildings and Structures (10)
  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, documents, still photographs of buildings and structures created by the railroads.
30 0

Use for: Account books, Ledgers

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, railroad accounting journals, ledgers, and other documents relating to railroad finances.
3 0
Results 31 to 40 of 107