Showing 107 results

Subjects term Scope note Archival description count Authority record count
Train Sheets

Use for: Dispatchers Record of Train Movement

  • A Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive subject, formally known as the Dispatchers Record of Train Movement, are the records kept by railroad dispatchers on a continual basis of the movement of trains over the portion of the railroad under the dispatcher's responsibility.
1 0
Trainmen--Handbooks, manuals, etc.

Use for: Rule books, Railroad Trainmen's manuals

  • A Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive subject. Handbooks of railroad operating rules provided to employees which govern the movement of trains.
1 0
Various people 16 0
Video recording

Use for: Video, Electronic cinematography, Video tape recording, Video taping, Videorecording, Videotape recording, Videotaping, Video tape recorders and recording, Videography

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, visual (sometimes accompanied by sound) recordings of railroad-related activities in non-film formats, typically CD or DVD.
0 0
Work cars (Railroad) 5 0
Work cars (Railroads)

Use for: Maintenance of Way cars, MOW, Outfit cars, Work equipment cars (Railroads)

  • At Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive, still photographs of railroad cars designed or converted to support maintenance of the railroad right of way.
493 0
Work Order
  • A Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive subject: A document specifying the scope of work to be accomplished under a particular Authorization for Expenditure.
0 0
Results 101 to 107 of 107