Rising Wolf (Mont.)



Scope note(s)

Source note(s)

  • Taken From: "GN Locations" database compiled by Jim Chinquist, year 1950.

Display note(s)

Hierarchical terms

Rising Wolf (Mont.)

BT Montana

Rising Wolf (Mont.)

Equivalent terms

Rising Wolf (Mont.)

  • UF Lubec (Mont.)

Associated terms

Rising Wolf (Mont.)

9 Archival description results for Rising Wolf (Mont.)

Only results directly related

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 32391, Rising Wolf, Montana, 1926.

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 32391, Rising Wolf, Montana, 1926. Place Condemned Car Body Bunkhouse to Replace Worn Out Building. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 17 Roadway buildings. Series II. Lines West. Other Subject Categories: Roadway Buildings, Section Facilities

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 47389, Rising Wolf, Montana, 1933.

AFE 47389, Rising Wolf, Montana, 1933. Remove 1308' Shed and Widen Cut 60' on North Side and 30' on South Side - One Mile West of Station. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 13, Fences, Snowsheds and Signs. Cost: $8800. Series II. Lines West. Kalispell Division. Other Subject Categories: Structures, Snow Sheds

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 48574, Rising Wolf, Montana, 1934.

AFE 48574, Rising Wolf, Montana, 1934. Widen Two Cuts (Sta 9671 to Station 9683) Extending 5:1 Slopes As Protection Against Snow and Construct 1400' of Permanent Metal Snow Fence. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 13, Fences, Snowsheds and Signs. Cost: $4130. Series II. Lines West. Kalispell Division. Other Subject Categories: Fences, Snow

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 49226, Rising Wolf, Montana, 1934.

AFE 49226, Rising Wolf, Montana, 1934. Remove 646' of Permanent Snow Fence - Station 9583+38 to Station 9588+84. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 13, Fences, Snowsheds and Signs. Cost: $10. Series II. Lines West. Kalispell Division. Other Subject Categories: Fences, Snow