- US WaBuPNRA D0351
- Collection
- 1952
The Charles Schmalz Collection comprises photographs of a derailment near Bassett Junction, Washington in 1952.
Schmalz, William M.
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The Charles Schmalz Collection comprises photographs of a derailment near Bassett Junction, Washington in 1952.
Schmalz, William M.
Charles "Roger" Fischer Collection
The Charles "Roger" Fischer Collection includes several Northern Pacific Railroad "Schedule for Telegraphers" dated 1910-1928; seniority lists for telegraphers dated 1947-1958, a 1920 schedule for conductors, 1926 and 1934 time books, a copy of Single Track Telegraph Block Signal System Rules, and Motor Vehicle Operation rules for Washington State dated 1937.
Fischer, Charles
The Charles Maslow Collection includes books on a wide variety of railroads and railroad topics from 1888 through 2000, railroad hobby and corporate magazines from 1947 through 2011, and some 30,000 photographic slides of railroad-related subjects worldwide.
Maslow, Charles
The Charles Jarrett Collection includes Great Northern Railway ephemera, photographs, correspondence, maps, brochures, a telegraph key and model box cars.
Jarrett, Charles
The Charles Holliday Collection includes public and employee timetables, brochures, advertisements, annual reports, vinyl recordings and a map.
Holliday, Charles R.
The Charles Felstead Collection is a digital file of an 8mm film of Northern Pacific steam power taken in the mid 1950s.
Felstead, Charles
Charles F. Intlekofer Collection
The Charles Intlekofer Collection is comprised of some 5,000 photographs taken between 1953 and 1980 of Great Northern subjects. It also includes 3 boxes of Great Northern business files, documents and newsletters, with extensive documentation of Great Northern Authorizations for Expenditure 22053, 34418, 6416 and 11246.
Intlekofer, Charles F.
The Cashmere Museum Collection holds track profiles for the Burlington Northern: in the Montana Division: Williston to Havre and Havre to Conkelley; in the Spokane Division Conkelley to Latah Junction (2 copies), and Pasco to Wishram.
Cashmere Museum
Cascade Rail Foundation Walt Ainsworth Photograph Collection
The Cascade Rail Foundation Walt Ainsworth Photograph Collection includes 45 photographs of Milwaukee Road subjects.
Cascade Rail Foundation
Cascade Rail Foundation Collection
The Cascade Rail Foundation Collection includes 10 Washington State railroad maps.
Cascade Rail Foundation