Cawston (B.C.)



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  • Taken From: "GN Locations" database compiled by Jim Chinquist, year 1950.

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Hierarchical terms

Cawston (B.C.)

Cawston (B.C.)

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Cawston (B.C.)

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Cawston (B.C.)

3 Archival description results for Cawston (B.C.)

Only results directly related

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 12899, Cawston, British Columbia, 1920.

AFE 12899, Cawston, British Columbia, 1920. Construct a 150' Extension to Spur Track and Erect a 12' X 34' Portable Depot with 100' Cinder Platform. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 12, Track Laying and Surfacing. Cost: $1600. Series II. Lines West. Marcus Division. Other Subject Categories: Track, Industry

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 22765, Cawston, British Columbia, 1923.

AFE 22765, Cawston, British Columbia, 1923. Construct Public Crossing at Station 620 for The Dept. of Public Works, Province of British Columbia. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 14, Crossings. Cost: $263. Series II. Lines West. Other Subject Categories: Crossings, Public

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 22765, Cawston, British Columbia, 1923.

AFE 22765, Cawston, British Columbia, 1923. Construct Public Crossing at Station 620 for The Department of Public Works of The Province of Bc. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 14, Crossings. Cost: $263. Series II. Spokane Division. Other Subject Categories: Crossings, Public