Showing 190 results

Authority record
Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive at Burien, Washington

Heirman, Robert J.

  • D0123
  • Person
  • 1932-2017

Robert J. (Bob) Heirman was a life-long resident of Snohomish, Washington. Born to Everett and Hazel Heiman in Everett, Washington. Atttended the Fobes School fromt eh 1st-8th grades then graduated from Snohomish High School in 1951. He always had a love of trains and followed in his father's footsteps. Bob started working for the the Great Northern Railway as a fireman in 1951. He went through his railroad career vever missing a day from work. He retired from the Burlington Northern Santa Railroad in 1994 after a 43 year career. Author of "A Railroad Runs Through It: Reflection from Everett to Darrington", on his experiences as a Northern Pacific Railroad locomotive engineer in northwestern Washington state and two other books.

Halgren, Peter N.

  • D0047
  • Person
  • 1923-2011

Peter N. Halgren was a railroad enthusiast and railroad modeler whose interests focused primarily on Pacific Northwest railroads and circus trains.

Results 121 to 130 of 190