Showing 190 results

Authority record
Pacific Northwest Railroad Archive at Burien, Washington

Masters, Jerry R.

  • D0181
  • Person
  • 1939-

Jerry Masters worked for the Northern Pacific, and Burlington Northern, retiring as chief engineer of the Burlington Northern.

Matteson, Glen A.

  • D0124
  • Person
  • 1951-

Glen Matteson graduated from California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo in 1973 with a degree in City and Regional Planning. He worked as a city planner for the city of San Luis Obispo and is a lecturer in Transportation and the California Polytechnic College of Engineering. He is a Director of the San Luis Obispo Railroad Museum.

Messman, Lowell A.

  • D0190
  • Person
  • 1935-2016

Lowell Messman was born on September 11, 1935 in Sand Point, Idaho and died on October 26, 2016 in Edmonds, Washington. He worked for the Great Northern and Burlington Northern Railroads.

Results 111 to 120 of 190